Sunday, January 04, 2009
So, what have you done with your life for the last 5 years? Have u ever surpassed ur initial estimates by 20 folds... Have u wandered more than 10 miles alone in a barren land...
Dont feel ashamed if the answer is NO... But please take a moment to appreciate this one of a kind acheivement of mankind that has gone unnoticed... This feat so umatched isnt unfolding on Planet Earth but 125 million miles away on Mars... Yes, on Mars, and I am talking about the twin rovers Spirit and Oppurtunity.
[All rights reserved to original publisher]
Launched on Jan 2003 for a 90 day mission to this barren land. The rovers have been relentlessly unravelling the mysteries of mars. Some say after this mission humans know more about Mars than Earth!!!
They have given us some breath taking images of Mars and have survived to most hostile situations. Spirit has even lost one of it wheels and dragging them along for years now!
Surely this is an remarkable acheivement for Space Technology and Mankind as such!
P.S: I started this article for the fourth year anniversary... and posted it on the Fifth anniv! such is a lazy a** I am!!