Saturday, July 22, 2006
Pi Day and Pi Approximation Day are two unofficial holidays held to celebrate the mathematical constant π (Pi). Pi Day is observed on March 14 (3.14 at 1:59pm 1.e., 3.14159); Pi Approximation Day may be observed on any of several dates.
July 22, which is written as 22/7 in international (little endian) date format; 22 divided by 7 is an approximation of π.
Pi Approximation Day is also celebrated on the 355th day of the year at 1:13 (based on the approximation of 355/113) or November 9/10, the 314th day of the Gregorian calendar.
If you don't use the American date format, Pi Day instead corresponds to January 3 at 4:15.
Facts About π
- The first 30-digit of π :3.141592653589793238462643383279
- Up until now 1,241,100,000,000 (over 1 trillion) digits after the decimal place have been traced out using a computer. There are regular competitions to see who can remember the most digits.
- To remember π upto 30 decimal, Use a mnemonic rhyme:
Now I will a rhyme construct,
By chosen words, the young instruct.
Cunningly devised endeavor,
Con it. And remember ever.
Widths in circle here you see,
Sketched out in strange obscurity.
Really great piece of information from you... Enlighten dumbos like me once in a while like this with ur wisdom ;-)
btw, what will happen to Pi if substitute 7=infinity?? I guess it wud be zero.. right?? :-D