Tuesday, October 31, 2006
"What? Thats like asking me to hack the internet!"

I think its a line from "Password Swordfish" or something ...
that movie with John Travolta.
its goood . x)

hahah . I've just been thinking about . the world we live in .
and the matrix is really interesting . =P
sometimes I really wish we were just living in a simulation .
where everything is just . electrical signals our brain sends us .

like what Cypher says "I know, that this piece of beef is not real, but my brain tells me its tender, succulent and tasty.... After all this time, I have come to realise, ignorance is bliss"

hahah . he preferred the matrix to the 'real world'
which I guess is what lots of us are like .
preferring your matrix to the real world .

mmmm juicy meat .

I like my matrix...

mmm what is your place in life . . .
find it . or drop out , and die .
hah . xD

thats so 'AMERICAN' .

I don't really know what I'm talking about .

-leans back-

oh yeah . okay .

about life .

au revior .
posted by Mark IV S'nathan at 3:45 am | 0 comments
Thursday, October 26, 2006
People are complicated creatures. What people do and say and what they mean to do or say are completely different. People have a hard time explaining how they feel and their actions usually don't help out too much.

There is a difference, however, between being misunderstood and lying to people. When people can't explain themselves it usually doesn't cause to much drama. But, when people lie, things get very complicated. It's hard to trust them. You don't know if they are lying to you. It's very hard to believe them anymore.

Lying can completely ruin a relationship between two people that have known each other for a long time. It goes from caring and being understanding of that person to not even caring anymore.

People really are complicated creatures. I'm sure we will never understand ourselves and why we do the things that we do. Maybe we would be better if we just stopped trying and just lived our lives.

If everyone stopped trying to figure other people out and why they do things that they do and why they say what they say, maybe life would be just a tad easier...
posted by Mark IV S'nathan at 9:38 pm | 2 comments
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
It's an interesting idea, satisfaction. Seems there is little to be had, or perhaps it's just that we - or I in any case - haven't the capacity to create it for ourselves. At least not to any level of satisfaction. It is, like most else, supposed to be self-generated after all. My friend says, "happiness is a choice." Sure it is, but then so is defensiveness, rage, melancholy, loneliness. And, I suppose, satisfaction.

I am dissatisfied. With day-to-day responsibilities, the fluctuating disappointment and apparent pointlessness of what I do. I am dissatisfied with my own ability to connect, to draw connection from others, to sustain something so intangible and for all intents of purpose, so bloody elusive in the first place. I haven't the clarity of insight to peg my own responsibility in these broken attempts nor the wherewithal to correctly place the blame let alone alter my own behaviour accordingly.

It all seems rather hopeless. It appears inevitable.

posted by Mark IV S'nathan at 4:59 am | 1 comments

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