Tuesday, October 31, 2006
"What? Thats like asking me to hack the internet!"

I think its a line from "Password Swordfish" or something ...
that movie with John Travolta.
its goood . x)

hahah . I've just been thinking about . the world we live in .
and the matrix is really interesting . =P
sometimes I really wish we were just living in a simulation .
where everything is just . electrical signals our brain sends us .

like what Cypher says "I know, that this piece of beef is not real, but my brain tells me its tender, succulent and tasty.... After all this time, I have come to realise, ignorance is bliss"

hahah . he preferred the matrix to the 'real world'
which I guess is what lots of us are like .
preferring your matrix to the real world .

mmmm juicy meat .

I like my matrix...

mmm what is your place in life . . .
find it . or drop out , and die .
hah . xD

thats so 'AMERICAN' .

I don't really know what I'm talking about .

-leans back-

oh yeah . okay .

about life .

au revior .
posted by Mark IV S'nathan at 3:45 am |


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