Friday, November 17, 2006
I was talking about representations of women and how they have changed on television with my friends, and we found that women representations have shifted because of the cultural attitudes. In the past women have always been shown as domestic individuals who were always in the house cooking, cleaning, or taking care of the kids. But now a days women are shown as independent, strong, and intelligent. Women no longer depend on a man to be stable, they can take care of themselves, and they’re smarter. I think that it is good that the culture has shifted and women have been shown in a different light. I also like how women are shown as sexually aggressive. I like this because it shows that not all women are reserved and that they do have a wild side, but at the same time I don’t like it when they’re sexuality dominates over their intelligence. For example, if a woman was to get a job, I want her to get it because she is qualified and smart. I don’t want her getting a job by sleeping with a man or anything in that nature. Images of women have changed and some representations are good but sometimes these images can work against them. I just think that we need more diverse roles for women in the media because it is so limited. They can either be housewives, a career woman, or sexually aggressive. But if you really think about it, women can carry all of these traits. In this society, women can be career moms who still cook and clean while taking care of the children. But the media makes it seems as if women can’t handle being all three, when in reality they can. So it would be nice to see more of that on T.V.
posted by Mark IV S'nathan at 7:09 am |


At 1:06 pm, Blogger Karthik Srinivasan

TV shows are crap... As per the representations there, modern woman is someone who is loved by all housewives and looks disgusting for everyone else... And gosh... I still wonder how come once-upon-a-time sluts can represent exemplary women in TV shows!!!!


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